Surrendering to God as a Family

“So God created mankind in His own image…male and female He created them.”

 Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

Surrendering to God is important for us as believers but even more as families. Families are important to God. It is His plan, especially as we were created in His image and likeness and have dominion over the earth. 

The family after God’s heart will procreate and fill the earth with the likeness of God’s image. We do more than reflect God’s character. The family provides a safe place where children can experience God’s love (through their parents) and learn how to love others. Our Lord Jesus was born into a family. ‘God in the flesh’ (1 Timothy 3:16) submitted to an earthly mother and father to model what it means to honour parents and to benefit from their loving direction. It was in the unit of the family, and a godly one,  that Jesus was nurtured. In the care of this earthly family, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men” – Luke 2:52 (NIV).

My family, surrendering is showing your obedience to God’s purpose and plans. It is God’s will that we let go of man-made plans and desires and devote ourselves fully to His ways and purpose (Matthew 10:38). It takes obedience, faith, humility, and a willing heart to surrender to the Lord. When the disciples decided to follow Jesus Christ, they had to leave their jobs, businesses, and families to follow Him and spread the Gospel. They let go of their desires and plans to follow His purpose. 

Because of God’s deep, unconditional, unfailing, and unending love, we are also compelled to surrender to Him. As we obey and surrender unto the will of God, God provides for our families. In Mark 12:29-30, we are reminded of the first and most important commandment: love God wholeheartedly. When we love God, we want to honour and please Him. This means you desire to do His will, including fully surrendering and obeying Him. 

Evangelist Billy Graham once said, “Obedience is not a popular word, but it is a powerful path to God’s blessings.” 

Read: Matthew 6:31-34John 4:9–10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 30:8-12; Mark 13:1-31; Leviticus 14

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